If your high school student is going to be driving to and from campus, they need to get a Parking Agreement Form from the front office to receive their parking permit.
School starts promptly at 8:00 am. Once the foyer doors are closed, students must enter the building by the main office and receive a tardy pass. Please help us enforce class time expectations. When students are late, it is harder to start the day off smoothly and interferes with procedures. Tardy consequences will be enforced this school year.
Instructional time is important. Please only arrive late or check-out early when absolutely necessary for medical attention or family emergencies. Those students without proper documentation for missed class time will be marked as unexcused. Students who have an abundance of absences will be at risk of not earning credit for class. See Family Handbook for more information.
Everyone looks so nice coming to school each morning in their GCA uniforms.
Just a few reminders:
-Secondary students must tuck-in their shirts
-Polos may be with or without the school logo. No other logos allowed French Toast Link
-Only the two current spirit shirts are allowed on Fridays. The Spirit Shirt Store is only open until August 30th. Get those orders in. There are multiple material and sleeve length options available in both designs. Once the store closes, items will be delivered the following week. Another opportunity to purchase spirit shirts will be in December/January. Gandy Ink Order Info
-Dress Code Violations Slips have started. Dress Code violations will be entered in Renweb. For a reminder of the dress code violation consequences, please visit this link
We apologize for all the technical difficulties regarding ordering lunches in Renweb this past week. It appears all the glitches have been resolved. The menu for September should go live this weekend. Remember to order lunches at least 7-10 days ahead of time.
More information regarding the program MyHotLunchBox will be coming out soon.
Starting this Friday, August 23, International Club will begin its weekly meetings in Ms. Rahbe's room (205) during secondary lunch. All middle and high school international students are welcome to join. We will build fellowship with other international students, learn about American culture, practice our English, learn about the life of Abraham, and enjoy monthly restaurant outings. If you have any questions, see Ms. Rahbe or Mr. Wynveen.
On Monday, August 26, Bible Club will begin its weekly meetings in Ms. Rahbe's room (205) during secondary lunch. All middle school and high school students are welcome. This is a time for us to dig deeper into God's Word and see what the Bible has to say about spiritual and contemporary issues. If you have any questions, see Ms. Rahbe or Mr. Wynveen
More clubs will be coming soon….stay tuned for more information!
Make your purchases benefit GCA!